Hacia Aztlán
Anna Ortiz
January 12 - February 25, 2023
Address: 242 West 22nd Street, Buzzer #1, New York, NY 10011

Dinner Gallery is proud to present Hacia Aztlán, an exhibition of new paintings by Anna Ortiz. This is her first solo exhibition with the gallery and will be on view from January 12th through February 25th with an opening reception on Thursday, January 12th from 6-8pm.

Inspired by the architecture of Mesoamerican figures and the landscapes of Mexico, Ortiz’s work serves as a reflection of her Mexican-American identity. Her practice explores the complexities that arise from being raised with feet in two distinct worlds and the journey to find belonging within herself.

The exhibition’s title, Hacia Aztlán, meaning ‘towards Aztlán’ -  is multidimensional. It references the origin story of the mythical homeland of the Aztecs, in which the Mexica left Aztlán at the behest of their god Huitzilopochtli, in order to find a new home in the Valley of Mexico, while also referring to the 1960s M.E.Ch.A (Chicano Student Movement of Aztlán) that sought to promote Chicano unity and empowerment through political action. Drawing from historical narratives that have defined current states of being, Ortiz channels pivotal moments in time that mirror her own path towards self-discovery.

Throughout the exhibition, Ortiz displays a horizon line oscillating between the wall and paintings. This installation element serves as a unifier and guide for the viewer.  This allows for a perspective that is boundless while also alluding to the physical and metaphysical borders that divide.

At the center of her scenes are statuary and botanical figures that feel suspended between life and death, real and imagined, and time and space. They lay vulnerable in their environment and serve as offerings to invisible forces. These relics radiate a feeling of reality but do not exist in the real world. Instead, they are rooted in a truth that is larger than themselves.

Engaging with various histories of Mexico, both ancient and modern, Ortiz reminds us that the journey to identity and self-discovery is ever evolving. She weaves together natural and supernatural elements in her work and offers a glimpse into an invented world existing only slightly beyond the realm of possibility. In this way, she invites viewers to consider the realities we create for ourselves and the possibilities that lie ahead.

About Anna Ortiz
Anna Ortiz is a Mexican-American painter living and working in Brooklyn. She received her BA in Art History from Tufts University and MFA in Painting from Tyler School of Art. Recent exhibitions include Proto Gomez (New York), Selenas Mountain (New York), Front Room Gallery (New York), My Pet Ram (New York), Transmitter (New York) and Field Projects (New York). Her work has been featured in various publications including Maake Magazine and I Like Your Work.